Peer Reviewed
Huč, S., Hiley, A.S., McCowin, M.F., & Rouse, G.W. 2024. A Mitogenome-Based Phylogeny of Pilargidae (Phyllodocida, Polychaeta, Annelida) and Evaluation of the Position of Antonbruunia. Diversity, 16(3), 134.
Villalobos-Guerrero, T. F., Huč, S., Tilic, E., Hiley, A. S., & Rouse, G. W. 2024. A remarkable new deep-sea nereidid (Annelida: Nereididae) with gills. Plos one, 19(3), e0297961.
Huč, S. 2019. The first documented finds of Calliostoma laugieri (Payraudeau, 1826) (Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae) on the coastal mollusc shell deposit at Ankaran. Natura Sloveniae. 21(1): 55-56.
Huč, S. 2019. Poročilo o delu skupine za morske mehkužce (The Marine Mollusk Group Report). V: Bizjak N., Presetnik P. (ured.). Raziskovalni tabor študentov biologije Marezige 2018 (Biology Students Research Camp Marezige 2018): 99-105. Društvo študentov biologije, Ljubljana.
Non-Peer Reviewed
Huč, S. 2020. Exploring Crystal Cove State Park. Festivus. 52(2): 201-203. San Diego Shell Club, Inc., San Diego.